
Developing Resilience

Because failure is essential in the learning process, all developmental programs should create an environment where failure is present and leads to eventual mastery of a skill. Resilience is the ability to persevere through challenges, setbacks, and obstacles, and therefore, it is a crucial tool in development.

It's important to note that a child's level of play does not necessarily determine their long-term success. What matters most is their mindset and approach to the sport. By focusing on enjoyment, the process of practice, setting skill mastery goals, and embracing problem-solving skills, children can learn to persevere through challenges and setbacks and master the individual qualities of technical ability and decision-making in soccer.

Here are some tips on how to develop grit in young children:

  1. Encourage a growth mindset: Help your child develop a growth mindset by emphasizing the value of hard work and effort. Praise your child's hard work and progress rather than just their wins. Encourage your child to embrace challenges and see them as opportunities to learn and grow.
  2. Foster resilience: Teach your child how to bounce back from setbacks by modeling resilience and a positive attitude. Encourage your child to keep trying even when things get tough. Remind your child that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and it's okay to make mistakes.
  3. Allow them to own their participation: Detach from your child's success and failures and allow them to experience these as their own. Be their guide when needed, but do not experience these with them. Their sport participation is their activity, not yours.
  4. Provide opportunities for practice: Give your child opportunities to practice resilience by engaging in activities that require effort and perseverance. Encourage your child to stick with challenging tasks even when they become difficult or frustrating.

Remember, developing resilience is an ongoing process that requires patience and practice. By focusing on the process or systems rather than outcome goals, you can help your child develop the resilience necessary to persevere through challenges and achieve long-term success in any chosen activity.