CMFSC Raffle 2022

Posted on: November 19, 2022

Thank you to all of our members for participating in this year’s Club Raffle. The proceeds from the raffle are integral to our Club in developing programs and offering playing opportunities across all ages and levels of play. 

We’d like to recognize the efforts of our amazing members that sold tickets, team officials that collected the tickets, and raffle coordinators that organize this incredible event. An unbelievable amount of hours go into the raffle and it requires everyone working together to make it happen!

Congratulations to our winner, CMF Member, Chris D! 

A BIG thank you to our primary sponsor, Metro Motors for sponsoring the grand prize – we are so incredibly grateful for your continued support! If you are in the market for a new vehicle make sure to head down to Metro Motors to test drive their incredible new stock of vehicles. 

For more information about our Annual Club Raffle, please click here